
Using your spiritual gifts to serve the body

Making Disciples Who Worship and Serve

Our mission is to equip every member of Harvest to utilize their spiritual gifts for the purposes that Jesus intended. We want to teach, equip, and train disciples in our church with the goal especially of making disciple-making disciples who can help in the work of teaching, equipping, training, and making more disciples. From the music team to the Fair Trade ministry, there are many ways to serve at Harvest.

Children's Ministry

Serve our youngest members of Harvest by volunteering in the nursery, teaching one of the children's Sunday school classes, or investing in the discipleship of our children on Wednesday nights.

*To serve in children's ministry, all volunteers must complete Harvest's child protection training protocol.

Mercy & Outreach

Harvest has a number of global missions partners, which our Harvest to the Nations team actively manages and supports. Locally, our deacons manage our mercy ministry endeavors, and we're always seeking evangelistic opportunities among our neighbors. From serving on the Harvest to the Nations team, to bearing witness to the Gospel locally, there is always a need for those with heart to serve in mercy & outreach ministries

Audio & Video (A/V)

During the worship service, members serve on the technology side of things by running the sound board the slides, and our livestream. Additionally, there is always a need for those who are gifted in technology to help out with various projects.


From serving on the music team on Sunday mornings, to serving on one of the seasonal choirs, there is always a need for those who wish to use their musical talents in the service of worship.


Throughout the week, members open their homes for disciple groups and to host new visitors to Harvest. On Wednesdays and on occasional Sundays we host meals at the church. And when members are in need, other members prepare meals to serve.
